
The changing landscape of women and alcohol harm

Alcohol and drugs

In this report supported by Vital Strategies, Movendi International highlighted the rising cases of alcohol-related cancers and the role that alcohol plays in intimate partner violence. It also covers how the alcohol industry deliberately targets women, leading to the growing normalization of alcohol consumption in professional, social and digital spaces. The report also emphasises the underreporting of the reproductive health risks of alcohol consumption among women.

The report also raises the issue of the feminist paradox – of how the alcohol industry has co-opted women’s rights as a tool of empowerment and why women’s rights movements distance themselves from alcohol policy initiatives. It also highlights how women in low- and middle-income countries are at a higher risk.

The report calls for policy action that integrates alcohol harm as a women’s rights issue, a public health crisis and a social justice emergency. Movendi calls for higher taxes on alcohol, higher standards in protecting girls and women from alcohol marketing, reducing alcohol availability to tackle alcohol’s role in violence against women, and reframing alcohol policy as a human rights issue.

Recommended citation: Dünnbier, M., Sperkova, K. (2025). Changing landscapes of omen and alcohol. Movendi International: Stockholm, Sweden

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