The report launched in April 2021 takes a closer look at what has happened in the form of national follow-up of the UNGASS Outcome Document in 15 selected countries. It also contains the recomenndations from Drug Policy Futures to the UN Member States.
The overall message is in the report is that all countries can improve their national drug policies by using more of the “UNGASS menu” and that national implementation should be speeded up in the years up to 2029. The report recommends how this can be done. From the Executive Summary:
As concerned civil society organisations from all corners of the world and affiliated to the global network Drug Policy Futures (DPF), we consider the 2016 UNGASS outcome document as an excellent menu for broad, balanced and evidence-based national drug policies. The critical issue now is to what extent the consensus from UNGASS and the broad menu of suggested interventions in the outcome document are reflected policy documents and practical interventions in the Member States.
To contribute in the follow-up process Drug Policy Futures has embarked on a project to monitor the Member States’ implementation of their joint commitment to effectively addressing and countering the world drug problem. We have looked at 15 selected countries and used a set of 25 indicators from 13 action areas that we appeal to governments to prioritize. In general, in the countries that are part of the monitoring exercise, we thus far see few signs that the UNGASS consensus has had a direct impact on national drug policies.
See the report to learn more. If your organisation wants to take part in the monitoring process, please contact eva(at)